Calici di Stelle a Montepulciano-2024

The most awaited event for wine lovers

The event and its commitment

This 10th August 2024 Montepulciano celebrates the twenty-third edition of “Calici di Stelle”, an event organized by Strada del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano e dei Sapori della Valdichiana Senese together with the patronage of Comune di Montepulciano. For the occasion, the staff has arranged a rich program in order to satisfy the necessities of every age group: entertainment, guided tours, tastings and musical shows will be provided throughout the evening.
The highlight of this edition is sustainability. The city of Montepulciano has been awarded Sustainable Touristic Destination by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, moreover, the Vino Nobile of Montepulciano is the first Italian denomination to have gained the Equalitas title, an Italian protocol that includes the fulfilment of a series of natural and socioeconomic benchmarks. Last but not least, the collaboration with Sugherovivo and the relationship with the local realities also contribute to maintain an eco-friendly environment.

Program and tasting methods

The evening starts at 5 p.m. with the tour of monumental cellars of Montepulciano “SPECIALE CALICI”. The tour, buyable for €19 per person, includes a walk in the historic centre of Montepulciano, a visit to a monumental cellar and the tasting of Rosso di Montepulciano DOC and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG.

The itinerant tastings start at 6 p.m. in Piazza Grande, Sant ’Agostino’s Church and in the Otto Contrade of the Bravìo delle Botti. The classic star coupon can be bought directly on site for €15 per person. The coupon includes the itinerant tasting of Nobile di Montepulciano, Rosso di Montepulciano or Cocktail based on Rosso di Montepulciano, goblet with goblet-holder. This same timeslot also involves the beginning of some collateral activities of the event, such as the historical Exhibition of flag wavers and drummers of the Bravìo delle Botti of Montepulciano (from Colonna del Marzocco to Piazza Grande) and a new recreational space for the youngest guests. It’s the “Laboratorio Stellato”, a craft laboratory for children (3 to 12 years old) in collaboration with the local Piero Calamandrei’s Library and Benedetta de Angelis, which will take place in the Chiostro of the Palazzo del Capitano (Piazza Grande). Moreover, a dedicated space for local artisans will be provided in the Loggiato of Piazza delle Erbe.

Guided tastings are scheduled from 7 p.m. in two evocative locations of Montepulciano: Terrazza di Vicolo del Leone and Loggiato della Canonica di San Biagio. An advanced booking is required for this type of experience and can be made directly from our website. For €25 per person, you will have the opportunity to taste different etiquettes of Vino Nobile and Rosso di Montepulciano in combination with refined gastronomic local products. The atmosphere is then enriched with live music entertainment, in collaboration with the Musical Institute H.W. Henze of Montepulciano and some other local artists. From 7.30 p.m. our guests will have the possibility to taste Vino Nobile and Rosso di Montepulciano at the Otto Contrade of the Bravìo delle Botti in combination with local traditional dishes.  To conclude the evening, live music entertainment is scheduled from 9 p.m. at the Stairs of Sant’ Agostino’s Church (Via di Gracciano del Corso) and Piazza Grande.

Don’t miss the opportunity to visit Montepulciano and appreciate its products in the most magical summer night, see you there!

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